Every home uses electrical appliances without them. Our home wouldn’t be at home. It would be like living in a cave.
Appliances last a while, but we generally need to upgrade them every 5-10 years or so.
When appliances fail, we repair or replace them; a common scenario is…
Your washing machine starts playing up and then stops working together. You get an engineer out, and he/she tells us that a part inside has failed and cannot be sourced anymore because the washing machine is too old.
Oh well, you think it’s lasted 10-years let’s just get a new one.
You order a new washing machine online it gets delivered, unpacked and installed now you have a nice shiny new washing machine that runs much better than your old one.
Inside the packaging are instructions which are usually skimmed, there’s also another often overlooked document in there as well…
Register Your Appliance
You see the ‘register your appliance’ form at this point you say ‘I’ll do it later’ and later turns into forgetting about it completely, in fact, two-thirds of the people in the UK “forget” as manufacturers claim that two-thirds of all appliances such as washing machines, fridge-freezers, tumble dryers, dishwashers etc. remain unregistered.
First of all, most warranties don’t apply unless your appliance has been registered. If it goes wrong in a year or two, you’ll be kicking yourself when you find your appliance isn’t covered and you have to swallow the repair fee.
Second and most important of all if your appliance is not registered, the manufacturer cannot contact you in the event of a recall.
From time to time, certain models of appliances have a built-in design fault which turns out to be serious. For example, a model of tumble dryer that catches fire.
Who wants a dangerous appliance in their home? That could potentially burn the house down? No one.
Although most appliances are safe and recall is rare, they do happen from time to time, and you need to protect yourself from this situation.
Several fires start in UK homes every day from the faulty appliances, don’t be one of these households.
As soon as your appliance is fitted, read the instructions and find out how to register your appliance.
These days you can register your appliance online, it usually takes a minute or two. You’ll need to enter the make, the mode,l serial number and the date you purchased your appliance.
And that’s it, done.